Lately some interesting things have been coming out of the kids mouths. So I am taking over again to document this before I forget. Pictures are from the last 2 weeks.So we are potty trained, which leads to some deep conversations while sitting on the potty. Typically comments are about what came out of their siblings:
Addison, "Eli did a big poopy" "I just put a little turd in there"
Morgan, Shrieks with joy every time someone poops and yells "TREAT!"
And the of course every time I use the bathroom I get a cheering section.Last month I said were were going to the gym, the kids all replied "No." So I said, "Mommy's fat so we need to go to the gym. You don't want to have a fat mommy do you?" So now every time we go to the gym at least one of them pipes up from the back seat and says "Mommy's fat. Mommy need to exercise." How's that for motivation?
Addison has also been getting into pretending more. Last weekend she was trying to get Eli to be a witch and chase her. This would of course be a re-enactment from Dora.
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