Saturday, August 13, 2011

Be A Fan of Courage

I nominated my brother and my parents for this annual contest where you nominate someone who inspires you....AND THEY WON!! My brother accepted the award at the 5K today. My family gets a day at Target Field which will include a batting practice and a years supply of Dilly bars!Mom, Dad and Michael whether you think so or not you deserve this!! The choices you had to make at such a young age and the what Michael has accomplished are nothing short of amazing! Michael you may be a pain in the rear a lot of the time ;) but I love you and am thankful for you every day (well OK maybe not on the days you call me and want to me come wait at the shop while your van is fixed BUT most days) !!


Tracy said...

WOW! Congratulations to your family!! What an honor - I am sure they deserve it, even if they are humble about it.

And a year supply of Dilly Bars!! Do they know you have triplets? :)

Brandi & Jennie said...

That is awesome! Congrats Michael, Bubba, and Barb :)

Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

Wow, that's great! Congrats! What you do is pretty awesome too, Alison....both at home and at work!

Shari said...

Congratulations, that's awesome!! So happy for all of you!