Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Being Thankful

With Thanksgiving coming and someone that used to work at Courage Center having their 2 year old daughter pass away this past weekend I find myself having A LOT to be thankful for!

I am thankful for my 3 healthy kids and all the trouble they give me.
I am thankful for my husband who is a perfect stay at home Dad and a fantastic husband!

I am thankful for my Mom, Dad, sister and even my brother who ruined his own surprise party. My sisters family-Chub, Ethan, Hannah, and Cameron

I am thankful for Peter's family: Al, Bobbee, Kathy, Steve (who is no longer with us but has impacted all of our lives) Laura, Ryan, Irelynn, Dominic, Tony, Kathy, Thom, Barb, Cindi, Rick, Kristi, and Nate. I have taken the kids to many gatherings with the "in-laws" without Peter because of his work schedule and never feel out of place. These people ARE my family too!

I am thankful for my friends Melissa C, Jen, Erin, Gretchen, Amy S, Brandi, Melissa R, Danika and Amanda.

I am thankful for my triplet mamas-Alison, Kathy, Jennifer, Niki, Heather, Patsy, Molly, Janelle and Julie.

I am thankful for Minnesota Valley Mothers of Multiples and the spunky women I am on the board with!

I am thankful for the wonderful people who take care of my brother day in and day out. They are saints in my book!

I am thankful for triple, venti, Non-fat, extra hot Caramel macchiatos from Starbucks and their drive thru window.I am thankful for Courage Center. Not only because it is a great place to work, but because it does amazing things for people living with disabilities in our community every day.

I am thankful for Synthroid. I am a new woman since I started taking this drug!

I am thankful for Facebook. How else would I know what the heck people are doing?

I am thankful for Anne at Lifetime, her cardio kick boxing class, and the child care center.

I am thankful for Black Friday shopping and Nate's willingness to sleep at my house so I can shop!

Tonight I asked the kids what they are thankful for.

Addison "Christmas"
Morgan "When it snows"

Eli "Watching TV"
Nothing too insightful, but they are 3 1/2 right?

What are you thankful for?


Bonnie@TheFragileXFiles said...

aw....very cute and very sweet!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a wonderful sister!!!