Around Valentine's day Addison developed hives on her torso and back. We took her to the MD where they of course tested for allergies and found no allergy to the big allergens (peanuts, dogs, eggs, dairy etc). We were referred to an allergist.
A couple weeks later she developed fevers and her face started swelling in the morning and her hives spread to her face, legs, and arms. She was diagnosed with strep along with the rest of the family. The allergist stated her hives and swelling was a full immune response due to a virus she had in February and gave some medicine for it. It worked at keeping the hives calm (still there but not the big red welts they had been).
Then around Easter the hives came back full force as well as sporadic fevers. She also started complaining of some leg pain and being tired. Back to the MD we went. She ran more tests and consulted with the rheumatologist who stated she did not think it was something rheumatlogy needed to see her for since the leg pain only lasted 2 days. The hives continued as big red welts.
On Monday I took her to the MD because we thought she had a UTI. She did not have one. At this point our excellent peditrician, Dr Scherer pieced together the hives mixed with fevers and called an infectious disease MD at Childrens, Dr Hoyt. Dr Hoyt told Dr Scherer a bunch more tests to be run and recommended a combination appointment with infectious disease and rheumatology.
On Tuesday Dr Scherer called with some lab results and stated that after consulting with Dr Hoyt and looking at the results of the lab the best idea was to admit Adddison so that all the specialists involved could see her.
Addison was admitted to Childrens on Tuesday afternoon. She was fine, happy and playing away. 5 blood draws, 1 echocardiogram, 1 EKG, numerous swabs, and consults with Infectious Disease, the hospital pediatrician and his residents, cardiology, and one of the leading experts in Rhuematic Fever later she was discharged.
Some pictures to prove how NOT sick she is acting!
The good news is Addison's presentation of Rheumatic Fever is not typical. She does not have heart damage and she does not show symptoms of arthritis (the leg pain she has is likely due to the inflammation from the hives). So hopefully we will be on a LONG course of anitbiotics and won't have any lasting effects from this illness. She is NOT contagious so no worries there.
We will hopefully have a final answer on Wednesday and will keep everyone posted.
A VERY SPECIAL thank you to my mom for coming at staying at our house while Addison was in the hospital. We could not have made it through this week without her!
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